Why Church of the Cross?

Lexington Church of the Cross is a small church making a big difference. Nurture your family’s faith with programs ranging from Sunday School, to youth group, to adult small groups and prayer team. Use your gifts as part of our choir, bell choir, prayer shawl ministry or care team.  You can also help transform our community by serving during one of our “Do Something Sundays” when we volunteer at a number of organizations in our area.





At Church of the Cross, church is about more than Sunday mornings (although those are pretty awesome, too). It’s about living out a mission that permeates our lives.


Our Mission

Make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world through worship, prayer, fellowship, study and service.

mission, vision, believe, lexington church of the cross


Our Vision

We welcome everyone to join us in our continuing process of transformation in a multi-generational ministry in Lexington, Ohio.

Church of the Cross will reach out with the love of God in Christ through worship, fellowship, small groups, and hands-on mission outreach.

We will keep moving forward together.

We will grow and expand our service to God while growing our fellowship with each other through spiritual growth, prayer, and study.

What We Believe

The Trinity

We believe in one God, who meets us in three distinct forms as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We believe God is the Creator who made all things. God created human beings to live in loving relationships with God and with each other. Although we were created for love, we have free will to reject it; however doing so causes broken relationships, pain, and suffering to God and others. We call this sin.

We believe God came to us in person through Jesus Christ to restore that broken relationship and to be the answer for our sin. We believe Jesus was human, perfectly living the life we were created to live. We believe Jesus is divine, perfectly reflecting God's love.

We believe Jesus died on a cross to cancel the division between us and God, an act of love freely given, known as grace. We believe God raised Jesus back to life. Through faith in Jesus, God raises us back into a loving relationship that begins now and lasts forever, known as salvation.

We believe Jesus lives today reaching out to us with forgiveness and new life. As we respond to Jesus, the pattern of his life transforms our lives, so that we, too, reflect God's love.

We believe Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God with us to guide and empower us to live as God's children. The Holy Spirit comforts us, challenges us, and calls us to live together in community as members of Christ's body, the church.

The Church

We believe the church is an extension of Christ's ministry in the world. God reaches out through us to call others to become disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This call commits us to work for justice and act with mercy as we witness to God's love.

The Bible

We believe God guides us in our calling through the Bible, God's Word to us. We believe the Bible is the primary authority for our faith and practice.

The Sacraments

We believe God also offers us grace and strength through acts of worship we call sacraments. With many other Protestants, we recognize two sacraments – baptism and the Lord's Supper – as sacred acts, participated in and commanded by Christ. We also believe God gives us grace through worship, confirmation, prayer, anointing for healing, marriage, ordination, and service.

Human Beings

From beginning to end, we believe our life is marked by God's grace, reaching out to call us before we know our need, restoring us to a right relationship with God and each other through our faith in Christ, and continually transforming us into the likeness of Jesus Christ.


Rev. Dr.  Edna Stahl, Pastor



marita boughton, bell choir director, lexington church of the cross

Marita Boughton, Bell Choir Director





jenny brant, child development center director, lexington church of the cross

 Jenny Brant, Director

Lexington Child Development Center




Geoff Fischer, Music Director



geoff fischer, music director



methodist, lexington church of the cross, ohio

Lexington Church of the Cross
236 Otterbein Dr.
Lexington, OH 44904

Phone: (419) 884-2150
Fax: (419) 884-0411
Email: cotcoffmanager@gmail.com

Service Time
Sundays: 9:30 a.m.

Find us on:
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ohio region, methodist, lexington church of the cross
Copyright © 2025 Lexington Church of the Cross. All rights reserved.